A Complete ‘How To’ for Appointing Guardians for Your Children
So you’ve taken the time to consider who will be the best people in your lives to appoint as guardians in your Will.
You’ve taken the step to make a Will, or at least made an appointment with a solicitor to get the process started.
What else can you do, to make sure that your children will be cared for by your guardians, and raised in the way that you would prefer?
Answer: you can leave instructions for your guardians about how you want your children raised.
Your guardian should know who the other important people are in your life, and who you want your children to keep relationships with.
Your guardians should know what extra-curricular activities you want your children to experience.
Your guardians should know what community and charitable organisations that your value, and that you want them to be involved in.
Your guardians should know your financial values, and how you want pocket money to be treated, and how you want your values taught to your children.
Your guardians should know your spiritual and religious hopes and dreams for your children, and what values you want your children to learn and be exposed to.
We can help you do this, since we have an Instructions to Guardians worksheet that you can use as your guide to making sure your children will get the best childhood they can have, if you are no longer around to raise them.
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