Published in the Media

Law Institute Journal – Social media matters for lawyers
Jacqui Brauman is interviewed as one of the contributors regarding lawyers on social media. Download the article here, or click the web link below.

Female Leader – Jacqui Brauman, Director of TBA Law
Tell us about the journey of acquiring an established regional law firm, and growing it to three times the size …
And the 2021 article on how TBA Law supports other female-owned business:

The do’s and don’ts of creating a will for a blended family
Making a will is something many of us place it in the too-hard basket. For blended families, the process can seem more fraught…

Pass It On – The Succession Planning Documents Every Small Business Owner Needs
Succession planning is important for many reasons, including making sure you maximise the value of your estate that passes to your family if you should suddenly die. For small business owners, your personal assets are tied up with your business. So, succession planning is even more important …

Money Matters that Could Make Or Break Your Relationship
Most relationships have their deal breakers. For women, handing over financial control to a partner who “might” know more about money should be one of them …

How to Safeguard Your Superannuation Savings

How Much Should Aussies Pay For A Divorce?

Equality by Law

Melbourne Lawyer’s Confession: “These things happen because we don’t call it out”

Toxic Work Culture: Nobody needs to put up with that

The Sandwich Generation
You have elderly parents who need more of your attention, and your children are young adults but they are still at home. You are stuck between them. You are torn between them. You have obligations to both of them, and you thought you’d have some freedom by now!

5 Legal Documents Every Parent Should Have

How to talk to your parents about their Estate Plan
I am often asked “How can I talk to my parents about their estate plan without seeming like a gold-digger, control freak or eager for them to be gone?” Well, the short answer is… it’s difficult.

Avoiding Messy Business Breakups
At the beginning of a business relationship, everything is rosy and exciting. But it’s in the beginning when you need to be thinking about a buy-sell agreement, in case of a breakup with your business partner …

How to get summer holidays if you run a small business
We shut down over Christmas. “Our boundaries are pretty firm, because we really need a break”.

IQ Meets EQ Podcast
This podcast is hosted by Jacqui Brauman and Ush Dhanak, and aims to have intelligent conversations about help empower women through information and the stories of other women.
> Listen

Doing Law Differently
This podcast is hosted by Lucy Dickens, an estate planning lawyer from WA who has systemised and scaled her business, and is now coaching others to do the same, along with having written the book “It’s Time to Do Law Differently”.
> Listen

Being Unstoppable
This podcast is hosted by Caralee Fontenele, a family law who has grown and scaled her law firm, and is now helping others to do the same.
> Listen

Talking Trading
This podcast is hosted by Caroline Stephens, a trading mentor along with Louise Bedford who run an investor group, and Jacqui got to talk to them about estate planning.
> Listen 101 or Listen 102

A Conversation with Faye
This podcast is hosted by Faye Waterman, the Conversation Curator and host of Talking All Things Business.
> Listen

Importance of Being Human Podcast – Putting the human back in the legal industry
The Importance of Being Human Podcast explores what truly makes us human and how we will need to adapt and thrive in the coming decades.
> Listen

Deadly Serious Conversations podcast
Hosted by Fiona Garrivan, a funeral celebrant, this is a podcast created to help navigate the difficult time of the death of a loved one. In this episode, Jacqui talks about writing a Will.
> Listen
Making it Count Podcast – Authentic Success
Hosted by Julie Hyde, author of ‘Busy’, Jacqui Brauman speaks about growth, leadership and unconscious bias.
> Listen

Tesselate Business Podcast
The Tessellate Business Podcast is designed to help transform businesses so the owner’s success can be shared their employees, family and the community.

Femboss: The law of being a woman at the top
Difficult conversations with Dr Leandra Brady-Walker.
> Listen

Planning Ahead: Making a Will and Choosing Guardians
For most families, making a Will is either in the too-hard basket or at the bottom of the to-do list. With limited time and resources, planning for death is almost considered a ‘luxury’ most of us don’t have.